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Old 02-10-2004, 11:20 AM   #3
Bratt should edit this
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A day in the life of Bratt..... oh boy...

Alarm goes off at 9:30am, stumble to get coffee, take our 3 pitbulls outside. Then proceed to check email on one computer, then come to mine, check email. After wading through the spam, to get to the few emails that are actually useful, i login to my admin and review galleries till I am finished. Then i go back to my email, check for replies to posts, and post on the boards till 3pm. After 3pm, I take the dogs out again, stretch for a few minutes, and sit back down here to work on another admin checking for submissions on another site I review for. After doing those, I start working on our personal stuff. I check with Kre about dinner, set out what I need to, or start dinner for later. At about 8pm, we actually might get to sit down across teh room from each other, at our desks of course, and have dinner. If there is anything on my todo list about going out to the store or anything, I take the 11pm trip to the WinnDixie(open 24 hours) cuz I hate lines of people and the store is pretty empty at that time. At this time, I then mark myself away, and retire to my bed to watch whatever tv shows we have taped from earlier that evening, and usually fall asleep during them, waking up cussing cuz i wanted to see that show.
I do have time to fit sex into this schedule whenever the mood strikes me though..... Praying... ALL DAMN DAY!
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