Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I thought a day in the Life thread would be cool .. I'll get us started
A day in the Life of Vid Vicious
wake up at about 10 30 am .. get a cup of joe sit at the pc and answer emails, post on boards .. till I realize that I'm late for my shoots .. Jump into a cold car and drive 25 miutes to the east end of town .. Shoot 3 scenes, Hang out wiht some naked people talking abou sex ... shoots end around 10 pm .. head to the Strip Bar, hang out there till 3 am ... then it's home for an hour of posting, and off to bed for 5 am .. start it all over again at 10:30 pm ...
What a great thread Viddie!!!
I wake up at 9am (smoke a jay) and by 10am at my computer doing the same b/s. Then by 3pm im out the door for lunch/shopping ocssionaly pay some bills.....then take some more bong hits =)
OMG, i just realized im a nerd!!!!!!! oh well, i then come home by 7pm and back on my computer and bong hits ........