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Old 02-12-2004, 04:56 AM   #14
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by gunner
why is it in, about 10% of the pictures taken at any webmaster event, someone is either
a) flipping off the camera
b) sticking their tongue out
c) making some other sort of funky hand gesture
The cult of "Attitude". High-grade organic fertiliser it is, of course.

It probably takes root in the reptilian brain, a leftover from from an era in evolution where hissing and making faces was a defense mechanism intended to impress the enemy.

Note how most vertabraes display that behaviour, from the gecco and other lizzards to Homo Sapiens.

Some might argue that they do it for fun...

I beg to differ.

Maybe there is a link between this and Tourette Syndrom.

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