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Old 02-12-2004, 12:32 PM   #5
cool1 should edit this
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Unless you're just a big talker and wouldn't actually follow through with any of your answers to the test, you are one wild and crazy risk-taker. Transporting narcotics? Leaving your child alone so you could flirt? Those are some pretty extreme, and potentially dangerous, situations. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you obviously have no fear and are willing to gamble precious commodities (your child's safety, your freedom!) for possible gain - or simply for the thrill of living on the edge. While taking the occasional, well-thought-out risk is necessary to get anywhere in life, going too far can certainly backfire. Have you thought about the serious consequences of some of these harsh actions? Sure, you might get some kind of rush and have some wicked adventures, but at what price? You should consider channeling your daring spirit into less perilous activities, maybe bungee jumping or rock climbing. If not, don't say I didn't warn you - play with fire and you're bound to get burned!
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