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Old 02-13-2004, 03:36 AM   #2
Mister X
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I don't think you are going to get any better results than you will get with photoshop without spending 5 mins to save each picture. I usually am happy if the size for 800x600 is somewhere in the 80 to 100 k range. For 1024 pics I'm happy with 120 k or so. Mostly I think there's a point where the bandwidth savings are going to be outweighed by the manpower used to get those savings. You can't reliably use batch processing on jpegs unless you use fairly generic settings or you end up with some pretty shit quality pics at times. Most of the pics I use on our sites are resized in Arles when I build the galleries. I review them beforehand and dump the bad pics and do the rotating in acdsee or compupic and then let arles do the rest. It does a good job of watermarking, resizing and making the thumbs and html all in one and saves me a shitload of time. In Arles I use a setting of 80 and don't use any of the filters and end up with good quality and decent filesize.
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