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Old 02-20-2004, 11:49 PM   #17
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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The year was 1995, shortly after that Lightspeed chap taught me how to make web pages. I was running a daily swimsuit site and getting decent traffic. Some guy emails me and says he'll pay me $2k to put a banner up on my site for him. I told him to send me a check and blew it off. A few days later I got the check. It was for a preggo site. The next month he wants two banners - and offers me $4k. I'm in.

He did this for about four months total.

Don't remember what I did with the money but it sure didn't go to hookers and drugs since I don't do either of them.....

But I was hooked!
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