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Old 02-21-2004, 05:39 PM   #1
Aiden Chase
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Default Money and Traffic! XXXads has both!

XXXads is a brand new service with no competition in the adult industry, and we need your help to get the word out.

By joining our affiliate program you'll earn 5% gross (25% net) for the life of every publisher account you refer. In addition we'll also pay you 5% of the first account load for every advertiser you refer.

Getting started now, while the service is new, can have huge benefits. We believe our revolutionary new service will make sales “as easy as giving a dollar to a stripper”. In this industry, there's only 2 things (besides sex) adult webmasters want more of.. and that's Money and Traffic! XXXads has both!

So if you're ready to get started, and help refer people to the XXXads adult advertising revolution, then Sign up Now!!!
Aiden Chase
<a href=http://www.xxxads.com/?aff=11537 referrerid=290 target=_new><img src=https://affiliates.xxxads.com/banners/120x60_01.gif width=120 height=60 border=0></a>
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