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Old 02-22-2004, 05:17 PM   #4
Mister X
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I know that one scam that has been done a few times is to charge for dedicated server and then stick the sucker into a virtual server with 10 other suckers. As a rule of thumb... If your host doesn't provide an easy way for you to check the hardware on your server there is probably a reason. Being able to get detailed info on processes and cpu load is very important if you are streaming video or running php or asp or database programs. One reason I like having win2k servers is because the Remote Desktop lets you do anything you want just like you wer actually sitting at the keyboard of that server. Of course there are disadvantages too, hehehe. But it really is nice to be able to open the task manager and see which programs are using what resources. I would recomend using Apache and not IIS though. It makes configuration issues a LOT easier.
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