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Thread: EZCams launch
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Old 02-23-2004, 05:10 PM   #1
WEGCory should edit this
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Default EZCams launch

Hello Webmasters,

We are excited to announce the addition of EZCams, a live cam product to WEGCash.com’s wide array of money making programs.WEGCash prides itself in offering webmasters the highest quality sites on the internet, as well as offering a deep array of products and promotional tours. We believe that EZCams will have a strong appeal to the growing consumer demand for live media.

Similar to our other product lines here at WEGCash, free trials will come with a healthy up front payout. In the case of EZCams, that payout will be $25 per free trial. In support of this new program WEGCash is blasting strong off the line with a killer promotion that include prizes like an incredible Phillips 42inch HDTV Plasma TV!

So start making money with EZCams now by signing up today at
http://www.wegcash.com .

If you have any questions regarding this or any WEGCash product, please do not hesitate in contacting myself, or any WEGCash staff member.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Cory Hedgepeth.
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