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Old 02-24-2004, 08:12 PM   #35
nanda should edit this
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Originally posted by baddog
excuse me, but what makes you think that is a "good" article? The author is stating his opinion, based on nothing except what AC did. While AC may have been the first AVS, they for sure are not the only AVS . . . . they may not be around for much longer, but as long as people know how to evolve, AVS will be here for some tiome to come.

I can tell you from a personal standpoint that AC pulling their crap was one of the best things to ever happen to SPP. We got bigger and better sites submitted to the system, more affiliates, and more signups every pay-period.

Connor is jist an opinionated chicken little, and the fact that he has an article at theadultwebmaster does not make his opinion any more valuable than anyone elses. Of course, that is just my opinion . . . I could be wrong (not).
So are you now in charge of telling people what is good and isn't good? EXCUSE me but I thought it was good to share this article about someones avs experience....if your AVS site is succesful and there's isn't well good for you.
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