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Old 02-25-2004, 07:42 PM   #47
nanda should edit this
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Originally posted by baddog
Hey, I gave my opinion on why I did not feel it was a good article, all I asked of you was to tell me what you think makes it a good article. I guess your inability to understand a simple question explains why you thought it was a good article. You probably had no idea WTF he was talking about, but the spelling appeared to be correct.
I don't think even think you can comprehend yourself...Any moron can see that the guys is stating what he thinks, is there anything wrong with my saying it's a good article? I respect his opinion, and think people can get good info from that article...you seem to think everyone has to think like you, and see things only your way.... WHAT ISLAND ARE U LIVING ON? Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I like what he wrote, but then again, seems like you have to get off your high horse and respect other people's opinion....
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