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Thread: Gay marriage
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Old 02-26-2004, 01:32 AM   #5
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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I can't imagine why anyone would give a shit if a couple guys got married. Or a couple of girls. I'm not exactly pro gay... it's a lifestyle I do not understand or admire. But I really could not possibly care less if they get married. Does it "cheapen" the "sacred" institution of marriage? Does getting married while skydiving or at halftime of some ball game or because of winning a stupid contest on a meaningless tv show cheapen it?

I guess you could say I'm neutral on the subject. I won't start cheering if gay marriage is okayed somewhere and I won't start cursing either. It's a non-issue. Who consenting adults fuck or marry shouldn't be important to anybody except the 2 or 3 or more individuals involved.
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