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Old 02-26-2004, 01:15 PM   #40
Taass should edit this
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Originally posted by Diva
We have a song from someone who has been around for a long time - this is off the artists lastest CD

We took a taxi to the station, not a word was said
And I saw you walk across the road
For maybe the last time I don't know
Feeling humble
I heard a rumble
On the railway track
And when I hear that whistle blow
I'll walk away and you won't know
That I'll be crying
Phil Colins - Can't stop loving you

Heh.. I allways get "in the air tonight" stuck in my head every time someone mentions his name... So now i have YOU to blame for that for the next few hours *lol*

New Tune :
Okay.. this is another Dane *sorry, can't help it* I think he's know world wide (at least he ought to be *lol*).. A small hint.. All the lyrics on this album combined tell a continuing story

So there they stood at the top of the stairs
Miriam in the mood, Jonathan was scared
Gazing into the dark, Jonathan saw the star
For a second he turned his back
And she was there like a ghost
She him hard and clean
To the bottom of the stairs
"Now we're finally alone, Miriam
Abigail is here to stay"
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