Originally posted by StuartD
Please tell me you're not serious.... please?
I don't see what's so wrong with it.
Mind you, it's not my cup of tea but if some people like it, I find it much less repulsive than many inter-human types of sex acts where there is either real or faked depiction of degradation.
The problem with bestiality is that there can be no open discussion about it because it's a big taboo (tm).
Animals, we raise them to slaughter and eat them, have them as work animals, or as companions.
What's so bad about having sex with an animal ? You could be grossed out, fine, but I don't see any moral objection.
A friend of mine was a buzzboy in the most luxurious hotel in Montreal. He caught people having sex with animal fairly frequently.
I guess it shocks mostly the people who think that there is a dichotomy between mind and body (mostly, they are people with religious psycho-epistemology).
What's the ethical difference between sex with a dog or sex with a vibrator? The dog enjoys it ?
Or is it the animal reaction, somewhat similar to our own, that reminds us a bit too accutely that we are not so different from them ?
I know plenty of people who are very close with their pet (I don't know if they have sex though). Everyone has seen at one time or another someone being licked in the face by a dog. What's the microbiological difference between that and having sex with a dog ? (did you notice which part of his anatomy the dog licked before licking that person in the face ?

Judeo-Christians frown upon the practice. Islam has a different view.

I'm not aware of how it is considered by the other religions.
I'm not defending bestiality, I'm arguing that there is NO real discussion about the morality and ethics of it. In lieu of that, we see platitudes spouted all over the place. Platitudes in the hand of everzealous jack booted thugs becomes pretext for more oppressive laws.