02-27-2004, 09:33 AM
should edit this
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally posted by Izzy
Well, I certainly can say a lot about this thread, but I am not goin to cuz I am tired dammit. The pic, was amusing, Nanda's post was informative. OOOHHH and GOD's posts were amusing as well. Okie dokie, I guess I will say a few more things about this thread..
FYI: this is not to start shit so just back off alright.
Okie dokie, now I have never understood why ppl can of the same race can poke fun at their own race, but when others poke fun at them, it's a fuckin big hairy deal then. And the same thing for other countries pokin at other countries. Look get over it! You will live, trust me!! Don't act like it's the end of the God damn world alright ppl?? I have learned to laugh at the remarks made to me cuz IT'S FUCKIN FUNNY AND TRUE!!! I am a beverly hillbilly and proud dammit, and yes i have a fuckin cement pond too!! I am not racist, if I was i wouldnt be in love with a beaner dammit!! well he isnt really beaner, but he is close enuff. yea i may seem ignorent by saying all this but its not that im ignorent, its cuz i am tired of ppl on this planet bitchin and moanin about SIMPLE LITTLE SHIT!! soooo sorrry if i have offened anybody on this board. but like i said b4, dont worry its not the end of the world, so you will be just fine. have a nice day!
My point on posting wasn't to complain, rather to inform people of the misconceptions of my country....that part it's TOO sensitive to joke about.......Now as for making fun of things within my own country....PLEASE!! I am the first to disect many things within my own culture and make fun of it.....If people joke around about my country and religion...in good fun....believe me I am the first to laugh...... 