03-03-2004, 06:38 AM
should edit this
Bold, brave,& opinionated
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Terminatorville!!
Posts: 299
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well FB i know what your intentions were and im sure nanda does too. Nanda I know you were trying to make a good point and I know your country has many wonderful things. Well like ya said in your last post, your the first to laught at jokes about your country if it is in good fun, so you shoulda known that FB's post was only in good fun, but I guess it's different when it comes from someone that's not from your country. That's what my point was, it's a damn shame other ppl don't find the humor in jokes about their race and/or country when it comes from somebody not of the race or from the country. It just flips my shit that's all and I hope sooner than later this world won't be so damn sensitive. Gotta lighten up this world and make it a more relaxed. Hehehe hey maybe we wouldn't have wars in this world if it were like that. Hmm wishful thinking, nice thought tho. Well, Ima leave this thread with that. Have a wonderful day everybody and see ya'll laters.