03-04-2004, 08:18 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
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Does the cat have claws?
Are you introducing an adult dog into the house or a puppy?
It doesn't really matter what breed of dog you are introducing into the house. No matter what the breed, every dog and every cat has a different personality.
If the dog hates the cat, and the cat just happens to torment the dog, the dog will snap at the cat.
If the cat hates the dog, and the dog happens to torment the cat, the cat will claw and hiss and run off.
It only takes a few times of them hissing and snapping at each other to learn to leave each other alone.
They are like siblings. They will fight like hell at times. After a few weeks or so of testing each other, they will just learn to live together.
The cat will more than likely stand it's ground a few times and then simply hide and find places to sleep. Cats think they are superior, even to humans. The cat won't waiste much time on the dog.
The main thing is, keep the food and water dish seperate. Don't feed them at the same time. Dogs will eat the cat food and drink all the water, because it is there. Dogs are also possesive about their food. The dog will snap at the cat, if the cat comes to eat at the same time.
Then again, the cat and dog could hate each other when people are around. Left alone and you will catch them sleeping together on the floor. They could like each other from the start and you won't have snapping or hissing.
