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Old 03-08-2004, 12:28 PM   #11
KCX should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
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This sounds like something I can help with too.

I have two cats, a 13 year old and a 6 year old, that had never lived with a dog before. We brought our dog, a St. Bernard/Black Lab mix, into our house at the age of 8 weeks old last May.

When our dog was a puppy (and the same size as our cat) she thought the 6 year old cat was another puppy and tried playing with him. The cat didn't want anything to do with the puppy and, when he ran away, our dog took it as if the cat were playing. The 6 year old cat never really stood up for himself but the 13 year old did nothing but hiss whenever the dog came around.

Now our puppy is almost a year old and still loves playing with the 6 year old cat. The cat acts like he doesn't like it but he does. He'll walk over to the dog when she's laying on the couch and headbutt her. The dog will then either rest her head on the cat or lick him. Being part St. Bernard, that's basically a bath for the cat. The 13 year old cat still doesn't associate with the dog but he does tolerate her. They all seem to get along better every day. I've even seen the 6 year old cat eating the hard dog food along with the dog!

Hopefully this helped. Although they can all be a pain I wouldn't give up any of them.
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