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Old 03-08-2004, 06:14 PM   #1
WEGCory should edit this
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Default EZCams: Contest Winner number one!


We want to take this opportunity to congratulate Linkman on getting 1000th sale and winning a Sony Digital DCR-HC30 MiniDV Handycam® Camcorder compliments of our latest product, EZCams, and becoming the first official winner of our “No Luck O' The Irish Needed Giveaway” contest.

This is only the first of 3 big time products that we are pushing out the door in our contest. The 2000th sale gets a home theatre system and of course, the big prize comes at number 3000 where one lucky webmaster will watch all of their favorite television on a 42inch HDTV Plasma tv.

Again, congratulations Linkman, hope you enjoy the Digital Camera. As for everyone else, why waste time? Start pushing a product that converts and give yourself a chance winning the remaining killer prizes.

Please do not hesitate in contacting m personally if you have any questions regarding this, or any WEGCash product.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Cory Hedgepeth.
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