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Old 03-08-2004, 08:45 PM   #1
-=HUNGRYMAN=- should edit this
B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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Default PayPal™ being investigated ... about time

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Online payment service PayPal has agreed to pay $150,000 to settle charges that it misled customers who expected refunds when purchases went awry, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said on Monday.


While I still do a great deal of my mainstream transactions thru paypal, I do encourrage my customers to use iKobo by giving them a 15% discount on my fees.

I am going to offer the same deal to my adult clients too!
This is in response to my displeasure with the Canadian/US banking practises, and the fuckwads at Paypal too !!

I have had several clients delay payments to me because PayPal The Wonderful had out a "freeze" on thier account while they investigated a refund that THEY requested from somebody else ...

I originally thought PayPal was half decent ... but when they decided to pull their moral BS about adult processing right as Ebay's principal's announced the buy to their shareholders .... and playing God with people's funds ... I started to see them in a different light

I have used iKobo for several months now both as a merchant account provider, as well as a means of accepting payments, and I am THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED with their levels of prfessionalism ... it's amazing what a group of ambitious ex-bankers can do when they want to !!

I would not hesitate in recommending them to anybody who is looking for a solution that does not have them by the short and curlies !!!

And FYI ... iKobo has some VERY GOOD fraud prevention measures in place, and yes they will process adult too.

Like Paypal, iKobo also gives me a VISA™ Debit Card that I can use at any MAC machine or any merchant accepting VISA, immediately after the funds have been sent. I have tried Stormpay and BeaverPay, and several other "alternatives" to Paypal ... but none have yet to go the extra distance that Ikobo has ... FULL KUDOS TO THEM !!

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