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Old 03-10-2004, 06:03 PM   #9
-=HUNGRYMAN=- should edit this
B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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OK ... here is my long reply too ... but don't worry it will be my last.

BTW Chowdadog ... what program/site do you run ??

And an FYI ... $50 is not insane AT ALL for a good gallery... it is taking pride in my work, and knowing that it is going to get accepted everywhere, have a great fucking CTR, and if you chose your sponsors wisely, is gonna convert quite nicely. Going rates for a 468x60 banner is between $25 and $35, so how the fuck do you figure a full page gallery is insanely priced at $50 ????? It is not my fault that most designers don't take pride in their work, and will cut off their nose despite their face, just to undercut the next guy ...

Anybody wanting to check out MY GALLERIES (meaning designed by MYSELF chowdapuppy ....), may check out my newly updated portfolio with over 100 sample galleries at http://www.PAYSITE-GALLERIES.com

OK ... now where was I ?? Oh yeah ...

Originally posted by Fluid

it's only deframation if they're lying and you can prove it with records of payment.
thank you very much

I was only an employee of PENSFAN, and left holding the smoking gun... (and BTW the fucker still owes me $615 USD too, but I have long since accepted that I will never see that. How many times did I create a major spectacle about that though .... NONE!)

At this time yes my job was sales ... and Pensfan (along with Ricki Lee, Nemanja, Amputate Your Head, Quashe, Kelly, and I think a couple more desingers too), was in charge of the designs ....

I did sales and brought in new contracts. I was paid a flat rate each week. Period.

I was often left to deligate the work to the designers ... but Pensfan (aka Buck Naked, aka Bibiluv, aka Traci Carlson, aka Duane Hanson) controlled the purse strings ... I will rot in hell before I will pay somebody elses debt ... esp. when I live from month to month myself ? Yeah OK. I even helped Ricki Lee try to get payments from Duane (or Pensfan, Buck Naked, Traci ... whatever he goes by), for well over a year, (C'mon Ricki - call me a liar again!), and yet this is what I get!!!!!

Everybody has almost all but forgotten about Duane, as he is no longer around or visible on the boards anyways ... but my fucking reputaion has been dragged thru the mud countless fucking times!!

A comment was made on one of the boards about me being so STUPID to keep coming back for more .... It is not a matter of stupidity. I don't have anything to hide from.

Yes I did use Ricki for I think 3, maybe 4 personal projects at the same time, and yes my paperwork is in perfect order for those payments ... anybody's lawyer who wishes to inspect them may do so, but I will be fucked if I am going to post anything to a public forum ... Everybody is going to have to look elsewhere for their entertainment. Sorry. ( I hear there is this place called GO FUCK YOURSELF is supposed to be pretty good entertainment...)

OH ... I hear that "chasing PPL from board to board to board" might be added as an event to the 2008 Summer Olympics.

In closing I will further state that yes, while under Duane Hansen's employ, I did NOT design the designs, (nor was it my job to do so ...) but for at least the past year, I have run solo ... that means ME, MYSELF, and I. Anybody who wishes to come and watch me at work is more than welcome to do so ... just phone ahead so I can tidy up a bit.

I have had my final say on this issue.
<table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><embed src="http://paysitedesign.com/paysite4.swf" width="300" height="67"></embed></td><td bgcolor="black"><a href="http://www.paysite-galleries.com"><img src="http://paysitedesign.com/PSG120.gif" alt="Visit our newly updated portfolio of more than 120 TGP and MGP gallery samples" border="0"></a></td>

<img src="http://www.paysitedesign.com/sig.php" border="0">

Last edited by -=HUNGRYMAN=-; 03-10-2004 at 06:16 PM.
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