I really do not care about all this "he said - she said" crap. I don't care about conventions or peripheral dammages. To me Paul, most of your replies here or on other boards have been mostly about little side arguments, about who paid the rent, about who moved in with whom.
I don't care.
This is about the money you owe Ricki Lee. Period.
Here are the facts...
Last year when I called you out publicly you phoned me. FACT
During that phone call you admitted that you owed her over $1000 US. FACT
You confided that you had no money. FACT
You all but cried about your situation at the time. FACT
I offered you a way to pay that debt in small increments. FACT
You then said your sites and business income were too small. FACT
I offered to help you with your TGP. FACT
I offered to back off from making this even more public so you could earn some money. FACT
You knew full well that in earning said money you would use it to make payments to Rikki Lee. FACT
You gave me your word on the above. fucking FACT.
Now you're going to sit there and deny all debt to Rikki Lee? I don't think so. If you want to get all bent out of shape and play the riteous martyr, go for it Paul. There are some pretty respected people... a lot of them actually, on the boards who are corroborating what I have said, and a lot who are coming forward with their own details of you owing them money as well. Who is the community at large going to believe... you? If they do they do so at their own risk.
Repeat: if anyone is fooled by Paul, aka: -=HUNGRYMAN=-, formerly known as "Brianna", you do so at your own risk, your own peril.
Paul, just start paying on the debt to RL and I will happily leave you alone. That is all, I have no other motive or agenda against you or anyone. In other circumstances I could have continued liking you Paul, as I did once, because you seem like an otherwise likeable guy...... but I simply cannot abide by anyone screwing over people I have come to know and respect in this business, good people, trusting people.
The only one who can end this sad situation Paul is you.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.
ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!