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Old 03-10-2004, 10:52 PM   #1
Roger Ferreira
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Default New Remote Controlled High-tech Adult Toy for the Internet

I know there's no other way to tell anyone about this that doesn't look like a shameless plug. But I'm affiliated with a new company that produces a new toy similar to a JackRabbit, that can be controlled from any device that can run a web browser including a PC, Laptop, Mac, Linux, WebTV, Palm, or Kiosk. It's wireless, so the "recipient" can be anywhere in the room near their computer. There's also a new version for the guy to "enjoy", being controlled by his honey.

It's perfect for couples who live at a distance; or girls that have cam chats. This company is presently brainstorming the concept of "Wireless Cell Phone Panties" ... no joke!

Great affiliate program for webmasters as well.

Anyway, if anybody's interested my URL is:

The Sinulator




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