Let me make something perfectly clear for everyone. There is no malicious intent on my part, I have no hidden personal agenda for taking this issue public. This isn't some sort of "shakedown" as Hungryman has suggested on other threads. It is simply about fixing something that is wrong, it is about making things right and doing what is right.
Newsflash: weather Paul is your friend or not, cheating designers out of their rightfully earned fees is wrong. Period. No one with any level of sanity can argue with that.
I do not wish to have to organize a lawsuit if it can be helped, but as of now I am certainly exploring that option. I would rather see that Paul has come to his senses and has decided to simply cover his debts and that will be that.
If any of you consider yourselves to be Paul's friend, I suggest instead of coming on here and scoffing at me or sitting by silently you try urging your friend to honor his debts, and this will all go away. If you are truly a friend to him then BE a friend and help encourage him to do what is right.
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