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Old 03-11-2004, 03:41 PM   #2
Jamesbph should edit this
Citizen X
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THis is from other forums and I would like some of your opinions please.

We do not allow any Unsolicited email to be sent off our servers. The biggest reason is consumption of bandwidth and possibly becoming black listed . We do not want any of our client to suffer for the actions of another. I must tell you this is quite difficult . So here we are again where do we draw the line. Read what I put in the other post and you will see what most people think . It is the responsibility of the Government to take care of them, or the ISP to just shut them down. It seems to me no one wants to take responsibility for there own actions.

I am going to add a post of mine from another forum so you can see some of the different things people are saying. It seems to me most people just want to attack the ISP . Yes we do make money being a BPH provider . But it is not nearly as easy as a normal ISP . Well anyway here it is.

Well thank all of you for your Opinions first off.

Just to set everyone straight here I do not spam and I am not a spammer. We at this time do not offer any servers or hosting to send out spam. We do however allow people to host there sites with us. We cannot become blacklisted if our IP's are clean so that is a non issue at least in our case. Example we provide a pipe of water, what you do with it is your choice. The only regulation we have is you are not allowed to spam off our servers . The reason I am conducting this discussion is because we are considering opening some servers for Can Spam Compliant companies. Which means they are legal . I wanted to receive everyone's opinions about spamming in general . How many of you have agreed to receive email from a specific company ? Now 6 months from now you receive an email from them promoting a special offer . You have forgotten that you agreed to receive email from them and turn them for spamming .Now your ISP shuts you down . Most ISP will not investigate the complaint . It simply would cost them too much time and resources. So what happens they just cut you off. What recourse do you have ? I will answer that for you NONE. You are out of business until you can get everything back up and running that is if you still have access to your Domain name. You cannot just lump everyone into the same Bowl people. Next point yes maybe in the USA the government can regulate the Domain names. What about China , Asia, Europe, What country has the ability or write to infringe on the laws of a foreign country answer ,they don't. Unless it is something serious like Iraq. So this now brings us to evolution . If something is broke we try to fix it. Once it is fixed then it breaks again so on and so forth. Just look a Microsoft we started with the dos now we are at XP . My last comment is if you receive spam that you do not want . Do not open it ,don't open that email or go the site, do not purchase from the site.How many of you received a email that caught your attention normally something in the porno area. You just clicked on it . Now you were sent to a landing page of some porno site . Even if you do not purchase anything you have made them a little bit of money in most cases. They sell the offgoing traffic to someone else. That's why you keep getting those dame pop up windows attempting to attract your attention. It is basic economics to me . If spam did not work financially for them they would quite simply stop all on there own. But we are here and contemplating letting some responsible CAN SPAM COMPLIANT companies host with us . So tell me all what you are thinking.

Just my opinion

Best Regards to all



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