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Old 03-12-2004, 08:38 PM   #5
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Panky
Are those phones really worth it? I don't know anyone who has one, so I haven't had a chance to get into trouble with one. They seem pretty cool, but that could just be really good advertising too.

I think that also Panky, tho a few stories I have heard from some fine people whom I share a cold one with, say that it's useful when looking at items you want to buy, and saves you time rather than writting down the prices, when it comes to people who look at more places to shop than say k-mart.

And with the point of advertising with it. Thinking of the cost per picture to send here in OZ it would out weigh the amount of protentional customers.

The prize that Chris has instored for us to win has a much greater use, I would think anyway..

my 2 cents..

have a magic weekend...
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