X Nations - View Single Post - Hungryman, another year and you haven't paid your debt
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Old 03-12-2004, 10:01 PM   #39
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Originally posted by chodadog
This annoys you? A few people looking out for their friends that have been ripped off for thousands of dollars? What is acceptable behaviour on Xnations? By silencing us, you're basically condoning Hungryman's actions.

I see a lot of talk about how this should have been handled privately, and i would totally agree, had all attempts to handle this privately not already been exhausted. You need to remembre that this entire fiasco has been going on for over two years. Hungryman makes a lot of promises, but he never makes good.

There are no keyboard warriot antics going on. We're just letting everyone know what Hungryman is all about. It is a fair warning to other designers and potential clients alike.
I'm really sorry you are annoyed Jennifer, but that really is beside the point. Like I've told other friends of Paul's, you would be showing yourself as more of a friend to him by urging him to honor his debts and honoring his word.

People need to know about Paul, period. Maybe some regular posters are a bit tired of hearing about it, but no one is forcing them to click on my threads are they? No.

All I'm doing is telling the truth. I have no hidden agenda here. I just want Paul to do what is right. What we ALL KNOW is right.

You are attempting to liken this cause to "GFY drama".... that is not the case at all. I simply want this issue resolved, no more no less. It is up to Paul as to when it gets resolved, he can decide to become more agreeable and sensible at any time, but so far he has exhibited only arrogance, defiance, and evasiveness. As long as he takes that kind of attitude I have no choice but to continue letting people know about this issue.
It's time you clicked...

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