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Old 03-13-2004, 01:00 AM   #8
Gateway should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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believe me , camera phones still have a way to go, they just announced the first 1.3 mega pixel one which is a step forward..

I have always tried to be at the for front of technology, hell i had one of the first sites that brings adult content to pda's etc.. anyhow I think its a fun idea of having a site where people can post their images they takenw with their mobile phones. more and more in the US i see people at parties, clubs and such taking photos.. why not share them with everyone..

its not like a income maker for me, its more of a test of whats possible and what the future could hold..

here is my phone that i use on the sprint network.. its screen size is 240x320 which well is pretty damn good for a phone .

Master of PDA Porn and Traffic Mangement
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