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Old 03-13-2004, 02:45 AM   #43
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Originally posted by Panky
If I wanted to silence you, I simply could have deleted all this entire thread and every thread after that at the slightest mention of your mission. But, guess what, I left it run.
Should I thank you for allowing free speech and the truth to reign free? If so... thank you.
To me, that showed that the majority of XNations could really care less about what is going on. If they did, they would have posted and stated what they thought.
Maybe most of the regulars here are shying away because they know of your personal ties to Paul? Ya think?

Judging by the page views this thread is getting, they are reading it at any rate.
Originally posted by Panky
But see now, I'm a bad person. You feel the need to start jumping in and attacking me simply because I carried PaySite Design in my sig. I've read the crap at PJ's. I'm sure it's bound to hit all the other boards in a few hours. I have removed my sig, but that isn't good enough for you. I'm still a target to you simply because I once carried his sig and used his services.
See, that's where you are wrong Jennifer. I've always like you and have had no problems with you, you know that. I am not attacking you at all. What I am doing is identifying your nickname as being one that sometimes promotes Paul's business. Why am I doin that? Because people need to know how to identify Paul's business so they know to avoid it. People easily forget, especially when faced with someone other than "hungryman" telling them to hire him.

I have not said one harsh thing about you personally other than identifying you as an active promoter of "Hungryman". That will never change, I won't start slinging insults your way arbitrarily. That isn't my style nor is it my focus. All I want is for Paul to clear his debt thus honoring the word he gave to me last year.

Originally posted by Panky
Besides, what the hell does my personal life have anything to do with this?
Show me the post of where your personal life was attacked and I will deal with the person. But remember, if you are going to promote Paul or take his side in any way, people need to know the whole truth, and that includes them knowing that you have a personal interest in this because you are his girlfriend.

Originally posted by Panky
How the hell can I suddenly be responsible for someone elses actions that happened way before I ever knew him?
You aren't, and I'm not saying you are responsible.

Originally posted by Panky
I just can't believe that you would stoop so low as to start attacking me. I have nothing to do with this stuff. But, I'm not in the cool crowd simply because I haven't posted and given you my support for your mission. I just didn't feel the need to jump on the bandwagon and be a part of something that I have no idea what is truth and what is lies from the parties involved. But, that makes me a bad person.
Again, I'm not attacking you. All I have done is identify you as
A) someone who promotes Hungryman,
and B) Hungryman's girlfriend.
I have not said anything that is not true, and have not cast any disparaging remarks in your direction.
I'm not "stooping" to anything.
I am simply taking a hard stance on thievery. If you truly don't know the facts as you say, why not go read the thread on GFY, ignoring the posts of those that aren't involved directly and focusing in on the comments of the designers themselves? It's all there. It won't eat up most of your day to read.

Here is the link: http://board.gofuckyourself.com/show...hreadid=250118

Paul has been caught in several lies on that thread alone. No one can argue with the proof, it is hard to disbelieve so many people. I spoke to people like Lightning who are trusted and well-respected in this community, and he confirms the allegations made by Bhutocracy, you can contact Lightning on ICQ and confirm this yourself. Then there is the designers who have the original files of work that they were not paid for or paid lower than appropriate amounts for. The person that hired them was Paul, and that was AFTER Paul and Pensfan has parted ways.

How anyone can read all that and still be confused as to what the deal is here is beyond me.

How many ways can I say this Jennifer? If you want this to end, if you are truly a friend to Paul, you will urge him to do the right thing and honor his debt and be a man about this, and it will all be over. I will even post public notices that he has paid his debts if you want.

I am not hard to find, let me know if you can get Paul to come to his senses....

admin at cdsmodels dot com
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ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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