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Old 03-13-2004, 03:32 AM   #46
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Originally posted by Panky
I'm well aware of everything that is going on.

Yes, at one point I have carried PaySite Design in my sig. One of the reasons was, I didn't have anything of my own to carry in my sig.

The point is, you made a reference on PJ's that anytime a post gets brought up, I will be included in it as well because I am his girlfriend and at one point promoted his services.

What that does, is it will taint peoples minds. They will start judging me, not on my own merits, but simply because of my relationship.

I have removed all my sigs after this whole thing has begun, simply because I didn't want to be associated with this. I made the decision to no longer promote PaySite Design. I would appreciate from this point on, you keep my name out of this stuff.

This is between the designers and Paul. I was never a part of it. This stuff happened way before I even knew Paul. There's no reason for my name to be brought into this. The sig is removed. I don't promote PaySite Design, so just leave it at that.
No, what I meant by that was that every time I see anyone promoting Paul or Paul's sites I will identify that person. No more, no less. If there are a few posts of yours still lingering around on other boards where you have openly recommended Paul, I will very likely find them and post something to let people know the truth, if I haven't already.

I am not trying to be unfair, but make no mistake about it, if you promote a thief then in my view that means you support his theivery. I will therefore publicly identify anyone that I find promoting him or defending him or supporting him in any way. If you want to distance yourself from this, then start by helping me to end this as quickly as possible. I strongly urge his close friends to help him out by urging him to do the right thing by these designers who trusted him.
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