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Your views on reality sites?
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03-13-2004, 05:58 AM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
Originally posted by monaro
Quoted from your sig; "Stay tuned for the first paysite made by the master of facials."
Q. Would you be in need of a heavy cummer?
Ahhhh... so we have another "Peter North" here or were you just asking for a friend?
Personally, I can't get into reality sites. They don't do anything for me, even on TV. A lot of the reality porn sites seemed to copy everyone elses and I just became numb to them.
Generally, what are the conversions like? Are they worth putting the effort into promoting them? I have a niche that is converting very well for me right now, so I'll milk it for all it is worth. I also know what works now, may not work a few months from now. I prefer to plan ahead and get into multiple niche type stuff, so when one isn't working, I'm not scrambling for another.
Is reality something I should really be looking into?
I know the conversions depend on a lot of factors. I was just curious as to what the reality promoters had to say about whether or not surfers actually eat this stuff up, depending on the "theme" of the reality and if there is sponsors producing good retaining sites.
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