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Old 03-13-2004, 10:18 AM   #48
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Originally posted by cdsmith
FB, I'm usually in a more joking mood on other topics, but on this one I'll say that it is nothing to make light of. It is a sensitive issue that I have tried to handle privately in the past. I was forced to briefly take it to the boards just over a year ago, after which Paul became cooperative and fully agreed to honor his debts to the designers involved. I even offered him help with his TGP which he happily accepted. I have extensive ICQ logs saved that corroborate this.

I remained silent and gave him the past year to make payments to Rikki Lee like he promised he would. He made zero payments to her over that time. Instead he chose to just think that it would all just "go away" magically. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. You can't rip people off and then go on about your merry way and continue to do business in this community without someone standing up and calling you on it. Well, I'm calling him on it, and it should come as no shock to him, because I told him this would happen if he reneged on his agreements again.

It isn't about some beef between he and myself. It can't be settled with a hug and a handshake. I wish it were that simple. He can, however, put an end to this at any time.
I know...I was just trying to lighten things up!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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