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Old 03-13-2004, 12:08 PM   #50
cdsmith is washing his emu
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I had already made that post before you brought it up here.

I did not say that paul uses your name to post. Let's keep our facts straight.
What the post says is this:
"Nicknames that have been promoting Hungryman's business lately include:


The name "panky" appears on several other boards, you have made posts to others to recommend Paul for design work. I told you in my above post that I will identify all nicks that promote or recommend him to others. I don't want other designers to lose work because of any confusion about who is who.

Sorry, but I knew going into this that there would be some collateral dammage, but I think in your case it will be minimal. Remember Jennifer, I didn't cause all this to happen, Paul did.

Let's try that again....

Jennifer, I did not cause all this. PAUL did.

I won't mention your name or your nick in any further posts.

I do have trouble believing that you have no influence over Paul though. You just said "this shit is not my problem"..... I disagree. It is ALL of our problem, including you. Instead of telling me you are "annoyed" by my posts and yelling at me for pointing out that you have promoted Paul in past posts, you should be outraged by the blatant thievery he pulled on these designers, you should be OUTRAGED that his decietfulness is now causing you grief, and you should be yelling at him to do the right thing to make this go away.

If that doesn't happen soon, just know that the designers are going to send their proof of copyright infringement to Paul's host and if necessary thier upstream provider, and also Paul's ISP. We are going to try and have him shut down. I will also be talking with more of his past clients, because some of them are displaying what now amounts to stolen graphics. They are not going to be pleased. If you talk to Paul please make him understand that we are not playing around here, these are no longer just idle threats, it WILL happen. I intend to see this through to whatever end can be attained. Why? Because what Paul did was wrong, that's why.

I'm not just urging you, I am urging anyone that considers Paul a friend to try and get him to own up to his responsibility and pay these designers what he owes them.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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