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Old 03-13-2004, 02:36 PM   #52
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Originally posted by cdsmith
I know..... and I would normally appreciate it, especially since you well know that you have always been one of my favorites.

I just wish that on this one issue I would see more people stating their opposition and outrage to the kind of thievery that has been described here. On ICQ everyone is vocal and supportive, but although there have been many good posts on various boards decrying Paul's behaviour, there needs to be more. He needs to see multitudes of webmasters and industry people stepping up and saying in no uncertain terms that what he did was wrong.
To be honest with you CD, I've tried to stay away from this one on purpose. I've made it my mission not to talk about it with anyone! I don't really know the story and quite frankly I haven't even really read the post I skimmed through it only because it's my responsibility as a moderator and owner of the board. Seems a lot of people are getting hurt and as much as I can be a bitch I don't like that! If I had one opinion it would be that Jennifer is her own person and should not be sucked into this. She is a moderator here at Xnations and she also happens to be a VERY smart woman! I just hope all this will be resolved quickly! I'm going to do what I said from the beginning and stay out of it! However I can't ban or ask anyone to stop posting...No one has complained to me about this thread...I'm sorry if people don't agree with my decision!

Good luck guys!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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