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Old 03-13-2004, 04:43 PM   #14
monaro should edit this Edit
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Panky; I will never be a Peter North.. that is only wishful thinking. LOL

I aggree with what you have kindly stated and also find that the reality porn sites seemed to copy everyone elses. There are a few, forgive me if I havn't mentioned any of the other top quality sites here;

"milfseeker, bangbus and college fuck fest have been the most talked about reality sites that I know of."

dyonisus; it is great news that you are and have beening doing well with them, most webmasters I have spoken with in the past have or continue to perform very well with them.

"exclusive content" gains the surfers exclusive attention with a undivided affection tho it excludes many or all, especially all but a particular group or minority.. for example; exclusive clubs, exclusive restaurants and shops.
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