X Nations - View Single Post - Hungryman, another year and you haven't paid your debt
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Old 03-13-2004, 05:25 PM   #54
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Originally posted by cdsmith
As I said, I will not mention Jennifer or her board nick in any further posts. The few already made cannot be changed.

And I understand your position, although I know you would feel much differently if it were you or one of your good friends that was ripped off, especially if it happened at a time in your life when money was a serious issue. I understand your position, but unfortunately in this case I don't agree with it. Theft in our community is either wrong or it isn't.
CD, It's my job as a moderator to be impartial besides do you really think this is going to change anything? I don't want to get involved period. I agree, Theft in our community is wrong, but so is shaving, plagiarism, child porn and yet it's there! As I've said previously I've only skimmed the threads (on this subject) on Xnations. How could I make an educated comment? I don't really know what the story is. That's all I've got to say on this! If this makes me the most hated person then so be it...
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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