X Nations - View Single Post - Are you bothered by this whole HUNGRYMAN Drama?
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Old 03-13-2004, 07:01 PM   #3
bhutocracy should edit this
Citizen X
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yeah someone rips off several people, it's brought to the attention of the people here and confined to one thread that no body is making you click and read.

It's a VERY sad day indeed when you have to post a thread to see whether or not people care that their fellow webmasters have been scammed and a thread has been made about it.
If it's boring don't read it. It's not lame GFY style fake drama. Actual people have actually been scammed.
I certainly don't want to be involved in this, but paul involved me by stealing from me.. that it's coming to this is actually quite sad, i've tried contacting him on ICQ for a non-money resolution and he hasn't even replied to me.
I don't even WANT to be posting here, I'm just amazed by your attitude, and hope it isn't indicative of the board "we attack the victims" nice one.

btw nice way to stack a poll with loaded questions.
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