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Old 10-09-2002, 01:52 PM   #7
Aly should edit this
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Originally posted by Tafkap
Did u have a look at the websites mentionned in that article?

Just have a look, that's terrible ]

Jesus christ...

To go back to the more 'innocent' hypothetical question of clothed young girls... If they are presented or marketed or the images are used within a sexual context (which they are in these cases) then it's not only legally flawed, it's also fucking despicable.

My friend Gary and I have been discussing at great length what measures can be taken to shut this shit down. Obviously, certain measures are already in place and, of course, there will always be a certain amount of this out there, but ... there are ways to curb the profitability and feasability of this very hurtful stuff. We have some ideas of our own and are meeting with Joan from ASACP on Friday to brainstorm a bit. ... What are all your ideas? What can we do proactively that we are not currently doing?

Our industry's noisey about this a lot of the time, but I still think we are way too complacent. I, for one, intend to shake this up. A lot.
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