X Nations - View Single Post - Are you bothered by this whole HUNGRYMAN Drama?
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Old 03-13-2004, 10:29 PM   #8
bhutocracy should edit this
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
And yet you're posting here and slamming MY board I hope it isn't indicative of how you introduce yourself!
I'm not slamming your board, I'm highlighting how your attitude comes across.. most people in this thread haven't even taken any notice of the drama, yet you're making more of it by posting another thread about it.
The fact is you are calling this "drama" when the plain fact is Paul stole money of several designers.. this isn't drama.. this is just plain factually what happened. What's the point of having a board if you can't share info that could help others from being scammed? Is it all supposed to be non industry related or what? Who you do business with here is vitally important.. it's not something that should be taken lightly.
Although I do understand the propensity to close ranks around a prominent member of the board and can't really blame you for it.

Yes.. I DON'T want to be here.. *I* didn't start this and frankly it's a waste of my time - this board has email reminders to threads you've participated in so i've come back and been shocked by your casual attitude to thievery of this nature. The only person that can end this is Paul.. I'm not part of that OTHER issue he's got with duane and that.. Me and Paul spoke regularly and got on well.. I considered him a friend until he didn't pay me for any of the work i did. The thing is I wouldn't even be here now posting if Paul had the integrity and was man enough to talk to me privately.. but he won't answer my icq's. He can do it in 5 seconds by talking to me in private which he won't do. I think it's the LEAST that can be done for the amount of money he's stolen from me..
I still feel like I'm being taken advantage of by having had enough of this and just wanting to let it go.. so he essentially gets away with it.. but only after he talks to me in private.

I'll introduce myself however I deem fit, I don't expect to come off smelling like roses with 4 posts on someone's board accusing someone else.. and frankly I don't care - many people know the truth. I'm not doing this for my health or for fun, anyone that knows me would know that. And if a few people can't handle me talking about how I was scammed then they're not the sort of people I really mind making whatever sort of judgement about me they they feel like - like im really going to do business with someone that doesn't care about thievery. My main problem here is that it's embarrassing to admit I got conned out of money.. now that thats out, I wish there was some way to convince you of my total apathy as to anything else someone could surmise.
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