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Old 10-09-2002, 02:03 PM   #10
gregtx should edit this
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without looking at the article.. my blind opinion...

If the models are clothed... then it is no worse than a swimsuit catalog.. or a large advertisement of kids in bathing suits in the window of "The Gap"...

I can't recall the artist's name.. at the moment.. but she does picures of nude babies.. that are sold in forms of calendars and wall hangings... it is all a fine of line of child porn and art... all in the eye of the beholder... some pedophile would find this "art" sexually arounsing, where as a mother of kids finds it "cute"...

It is all about where the line is drawn... and who is the nut case who crosses that line...

as of now I believe child porn.. it when the kids are forced into a "sexual act"... not just being nude... there are several artists who make a living from shooting nude kids frolicking on the beach...etc...

i'm rambling now...

See EvilChris in Gay porn!!!
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