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Old 03-14-2004, 01:32 AM   #59
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
CD, It's my job as a moderator to be impartial besides do you really think this is going to change anything? I don't want to get involved period. I agree, Theft in our community is wrong, but so is shaving, plagiarism, child porn and yet it's there! As I've said previously I've only skimmed the threads (on this subject) on Xnations. How could I make an educated comment? I don't really know what the story is. That's all I've got to say on this! If this makes me the most hated person then so be it...
As I said, I understand your position. I will say it again..... I understand your position.

Do I really think this is going to change anything?? Jeez FB, by that thinking then nothing is worth standing up for.

I believe some good can come out of this, yes. For one thing, it may make Paul less apt to pocket someone's money in future. It may alert several designers to avoid working for Paul. It may send a message to some people that they better watch how they do business because if they rip people off there could be consequences.

As for not knowing what the story is... the designers presented much of their facts on that GFY thread. Right in that thread alone Paul was caught in several lies. It's all right there for anyone to read.

Lastly, no one is hating on you. I hope you aren't taking my replies to you in the wrong context, I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not ranting loudly at anyone, I have been perfectly lucid, calm and factual throughout this process. But you have stated your opinion, and I am certainly then going to state what I think. No hate involved, you should know that already.

To anyone reading this far..... don't hate Funbrunette, don't hate Panky.... don't hate anyone for that matter. This isn't hate-motivated, it isn't about spreading lies, it is about righting an injustice and hopefully preventing some new ones.
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