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Old 10-09-2002, 02:03 PM   #12
Ounique should edit this
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This stuff doesn't sit well with me. I mean, we have barely-legal stuff like other content providers but using a minor, even fully clothed, in that way is just not cool. Plus, it makes the whole industry look bad. Sure, one person is able to find a legal loophole and make a temporary profit from it, but at what cost. Getting the powers that be who are already against us to tighten the control they have over what can and can't be viewed over the internet by consenting adults. They will find a way to get a victory over this one thing and then drag a bunch of other things along with it that will really screw us all! I'm sorry, I try to stay out of controversial subjects but this one really bothers me. On the one hand I'm against any kind of porn that involves minors in any way, and on the other hand I'm very stubborn when it comes to my rights and the fact that they may be at risk. Giving them an excuse to take away more of our rights is just stupid.

BTW, Evil Chris, you need a "soapbox" smiley.
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