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Old 03-14-2004, 06:22 PM   #62
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Feynman, my sources who are in-the-know tell me that you are Hungryman's current roommate. Is that true? You are obviously his close friend for the moment, which makes your opinion biased from the get-go.

Is my opinion bias?

The answer is actually...no. How can this be you ask? Well, I started out liking Paul as much as anyone. Even after I outted him last year for this very same issue, once he contacted me and became cooperative I began to help him, and during our call and over the past year we got along just fine. I have ICQ logs saved that prove that I made efforts to help him to get back on track with his tgp. He agreed at that time to pay back Rikki Lee.

Let me say that again so you understand what it is I'm saying here......

Paul AGREED to pay back the debt he owes to Rikki Lee. He admitted that he had done wrong and several of his messages to me and comments during our phone call showed that he was very remorseful. Tell me, why would he feel that way and say those things if he was as innocent as he would have us believe now?

Now, a year later, he is denying responsibilty of that debt. Feynman, you can stop calling this a "story" right here and now, because the allegations are couched in fact, not fiction.

And you can stop talking as if you are anything close to being a lawyer Feynman. You're not. You are attempting to cloud the issue. Assuming you are truly Paul's friend I will tell you that the worst... the WORST thing for you to do here is to encourage him to hold out until a lawsuit is launched against him. That is the last thing I want to do here. It would be so much better for Paul in the long run both financially and otherwise, to just admit to his mistakes and pay his debt. It would be far cheaper for him than having to hire a lawyer, and our community at large would then be in a position to forgive him and move on.

Once the evidence I am compiling is in front of his host and ISP, they will very likely shut his online business down. Again, this is not what I want to do, but it IS going to happen unless Paul smartens up and does what is right. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. If you don't like it, then why not be a real friend to Paul and help him see the error of his ways, instead of playing mister lawyer?
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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