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Old 03-14-2004, 07:42 PM   #11
bhutocracy should edit this
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Originally posted by Feynman
I wonder what's as embarassing... This or the fact that you did not disclosed about the details of the dealings you had with Paul.

A sub-contracting designer undercutting his client-broker is a pretty untrustworthy individual if it is not done with full disclosure.
hehe.. I will forgive you for believeing that as you are/were his roommate, and Paul is in serious denial, Techiemedia came to ME after they couldn't contact paul, I did a fix up for FREE and refused an offer of payment for the very small amount of work involved. LOL for undercutting to have occuerred i need to have actually have done paid work mate.. and it didn't happen.. Just think about this. Techiemedia was done.. the job was finished bar one little fixup.. what could i possibly have gleaned from going to the client? the job was done! no more money.. no more work.. how can i undercut a job that has already taken place and been delivered lol.. I hope you see the logic here and why Paul's desperate assertion carries little weight. I think Paul thought this one up because i knew the details of how much Jim got paid for the job.. and his mind being of the duplicitous sort imbued my actions with those of his - ie thinking I went to the client asking about the money owed, etc etc etc. When the fact is he came to me for a fix up. He found out who i was through Tam.. which surprised me, I didn't really think she knew about me anyways.. thats how I found out how much Paul screwed me for lol. I can understand Paul feeling hurt by having his thievery exposed to me and is blaming the victim.. and i understand that you're close to him so, you know... you'll believe him as par for the course.. ask Paul though.. ask him whether you should contact Jim on icq and ask him what happened.. theres only 3 people that know for sure.. me, jim and paul. Paul is the only one out of step with the truth.. and think about it.. Paul is the only one to benefit from lying about it. I really don't want to give this another thought, the sooner this dies down the better as far as I'm concerned.
Give Jim a buzz though and find out forself what happened.. I do understand why paul thinks what he does, and i do understand why he's trying to spin it to take the heat off himself.. But ultimately I have the last laugh because im right and not making stuff up to dig myself out of a hole i created

I honestly hope Paul is over his old ways (there have been no new issues with him from people) and is on the straight and narrow and that you don't have to find out as I did what his friendship meant.
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