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Old 10-09-2002, 02:24 PM   #16
Tera should edit this
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I agree with Twinkley here, I have not read the article as I don't have much time today, but this subject is something that is constantly circling around in the industry.

Teen model sites are completely legal but, I feel you don't have to go as far as dressing your under age daughter in lingerie and black pleather dresses to acheive an early career for her. The parents and photographers for these sites should take more responsibility in how they portray these teens and underage models expecially with the pics being distributed over the internet. I took a look at one of the sites and the models are dressed very seductivley and suggestive, and I don't agree with that. Parents should take more control but, I can't blame them, I am sure not all of them are educated on the dangers of doing that on the internet.

On the other hand this industry needs to take responsiblity and think before you make galleries of these young woman to upsell to hardcore teen porn. There is enough of a bad image of us in regular society and with the US governement, we all have rights and they are quickly being diminished in a lot of ways. We do not need the government to take control of our own industry, but if we don't take responsibility and think before we try and make the big bucks, they soon will be breathing down our necks.

ALY - Shake shit up!

I could go on and on and say more, but there is work to be done and I rambled long enough.. sorry for the long post!
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