Hmm what did i do with the sheilas..
I would ask a girl out on a date and when i went to pick them up i can remember sometimes their fathers would be more interested in the car
than in what time i am planning on brining their daughters home.
Mostly to the drive-ins as you dont wanna be leaving a HK out in some parking lot to go see a movie at village at some shopping mall.
I got married when i was 21 and the HK was our wedding car, its was a real treat to be driven around in the back seat of my baby just newly married to my sheiler..
I shall never sell her.. infact i am devorced now but i kept my HK =)
So if you know how much a HK means to a aussie holden car lover then you would understand why I will never sell her...
Hey mate, thanks for showing me that pic... I was there that day with the sydney monaro club. we where on the far left.. there was some nice EH's infront of you right?
Did you go down to wangaratta victoria? for the 30th birthday of the HK?
here is a pic using my webcam, it might not come out too good as i said it is 85% complete at the moment to my liking..