03-15-2004, 06:56 AM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
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It boils down to receiving the correct information and then educating people.
Maybe part of the reason they push to have warning labels changed on condom packages is because of lawsuits. Americans, especially, sue everyone for ridiculous amounts of money.

Just like the pill. That is not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Women routinely still use it because it is better than nothing at all and the percentage of women who became pregnant on the pill versus those who did not, is relatively small.
If they change the warning labels on condom packages, they need to educate people on how these diseases are transmitted and what percentage of the population actually are infected. They also need to inform people that even though condoms are not 100% effective, that it is still better than bareback.
There's warning labels on cigarette packs, alcohol, prescription and over the counter medicines, but people routinely use these products. People are aware they may get lung cancer, liver failure, and the side effect of nausea from consuming these products. Many people either do not care or they simply know it is a small percentage of people who die from lung cancer due to cigarettes, have liver failure due to excessive alcohol consumption, and who vomit because of some headache reliever.
Everything we do in life involves risk on various levels. It's whether or not a person can make an educated decision, and / or draw from their own experience, about whether continuing to do this or that, or taking this or that medicine, whether to use a condom or not, whether to take the pill or not , is right for them.
