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Old 10-09-2002, 02:39 PM   #19
RedShoe should edit this
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Hey, they don't call him Evil Chris for nuthin'.

Nice contraversial topic by the way. First let me say, having a daughter myself, I'd kill (or at least seriously mame) anyone that posted a pic of her, EVER! I don't care if she's 18 or 53 she's never going online in a provocative way. Not if I can help it.

Now you know where I stand. So then this next part just adds to the intersting topic.

Robert Mapplethorpe took pics of naked children and put them on display in (I think Cincinatti.. not sure if that's where it was, but regardless) a museum. People went ape shit. They demanded that the photos be pulled immediately. The photos were used in a triptic ( I think is the style of art) It's where a message is made by using 3 objects to convey the message.

Well, people were not considering the whole work of art, they were just fixed on the photos of the naked kids.

One of the kids was interviewed years later as an adult and didn't think anything was wrong with them. A lot of other people found them lude. Does that make it ok to display nude photos if after they are an adult, they consent?

Then I read somewhere that a girl had taken photos of herself when she was younger, stuff she had done on her own, and was posting them on the internet. She was now an adult and the photos were of her naked self as a minor.

Since she was the one that took the photos of herself nude as a minor, and since she was the one posting them, could she be convicted of posting underage content?
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