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Old 10-09-2002, 03:26 PM   #26
Aly should edit this
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Originally posted by RedShoe

Robert Mapplethorpe took pics of naked children and put them on display in (I think Cincinatti.. not sure if that's where it was, but regardless) a museum. People went ape shit. They demanded that the photos be pulled immediately. The photos were used in a triptic ( I think is the style of art) It's where a message is made by using 3 objects to convey the message.

Mapplethorpe was indeed controversial in his actions, and purposefully so, I imagine. He was, however, pushing the envelope on nudity and art, not sexuality. Kids, clothed or unclothed, presented in a non-sexual way can be art or advertising or whatever. Pics of kids, clothed or unclothed, or even in their bloody snowsuits, that are used in a sexual context cross the line. It's a matter of context.
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