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Old 10-09-2002, 03:30 PM   #27
gregtx should edit this
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very interesting arguments... for sure..


A. we all use images to promote sites... whether they were intended to be portrayed as "see this chick swallow ten 40 inch cocks"... and its a pic of an 18 year old girl topless... shooting her first "playboy" style shoot... I see it everyday on everyones sites... so before anyone calls the kettle black.. step back and see exactly what you promote yourself...

B. Why would you shoot material to portray underage girls??? Appereantly you want to promote the fantasy of underage girls on sites... No????

C. So now do we go after sights that have a picture of a horse and a girl.. on the tour.. even though there is no beastiality inside the site??? just because it portrays the ideals of beastyality???

Being in this industry... you should really watch what you want your government to censor and regulate... give them one step and they will take 10...
See EvilChris in Gay porn!!!
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